Partner with Gnosi

We are actively seeking collaborators who share our vision for the future of research.  There's no shortage of ways we can work together.  If you are interested, feel free to get in touch.

Publish Your Own Gnosi

Engage your audience in a new way by publishing your own curated Gnosi knowledge base. Give anyone the opportunity to explore your data, uncover hidden connections, and find novel insights for themselves.

  • Research institutions: share findings and promote interdisciplinary exploration.
  • Media companies: create interactive experiences around your content archives.
  • Thought leaders: build communities around your areas of expertise.
Gnosi Integrations

We're eager to explore product integration opportunities. Enhance your platform with Gnosi's AI-driven research capabilities, providing your users with cutting-edge tools for knowledge discovery.

  • Note-taking software: Seamlessly connect Gnosi's insights with your users' notes, creating a powerful ecosystem for knowledge management.
  • Research databases and archives: Integrate Gnosi's AI to unlock hidden connections within your data, offering researchers new avenues for exploration.
  • Education platforms: Empower students and educators with Gnosi's advanced research capabilities, fostering deeper learning and understanding.
Marketing Partnerships

Do you have an audience that would benefit from Gnosi's research capabilities? We are developing strategic marketing partnerships for our upcoming launch.

  • Affiliate program: Introduce Gnosi to your audience with revenue sharing for paid subscribers.
  • Content collaborations: Co-create web content and get featured in Gnosi's marketing programs.
  • Live streams: Join us live to explore knowledge bases in realtime.
Investment Opportunities

Contact us directly to learn more about our vision and explore investment opportunities.
